It started with the turtle....there was 3 there and they had been rescued....on magnetic island there are no fresh water turtles as there is no fresh water here on the island, we got to hold the little turtle it was so cute....
Next we went to the red tailed black cockatoo....i had never held a bird before i am actually not so keen on them, at primary school a man came to visit with a eagle or owl to teach us about birds and i never held it i was to scared! But this day i just wanted to push my limits and see how much i could test myself! So i gave it a go! I held it on my arm ....the minute it was handed to me i was scared and then i had to put a seed in my mouth and the bird took it from my mouth it was quite an experience!
We were next led to this small enclosure where we had no idea what was in it! I quized our guide as to whether there was a snake in there! He couldnt understand why i was so scared of snakes. We went in and were told there was a wombat in there! It was having a nap! It is a Nocturnal animal but the guide woke it up and brought it out it was like a little child being woken up it was wriggling around all over the place! He said he could let a couple of people hold it! I jumped at the chance i was the second and last person to hold him! And he was so soft & cuddly like a bear! I sat him on my lap and wrapped my arms around him cuddling was the best experience and i dont think i will ever get to do it again....
We continued our tour round to the lizards! And just behind the lizards where some young crocs! And good they were scary!
Crocs are so scary.....i didnt think it was real at first it was still for so long i watched and watched and watched and then out of nowhere it flicked its eye because a fly landed on it! They are so still and sneaky!
So the lizards ....there were lots of different species....some i had never seen before! Different shapes, colours, textures, sizes! Everyone was holding them and it looked ok so i got stuck in! I held every one apart from one as we ran out of time! I was anxious holding them but felt proud i had pushed myself, i even had one on my head called "fred"!....
The next thing i held was a baby crocodile!!!! Now this was TERRIFYING! It was tiny and obviously a baby....but it makes no difference how big or small the croc is it was terrifying! It had razor sharp teeth and as i was holding it, it kept moving and hissing at me! I think i was holding it a little to tight! Which i think was down to me being scared of it and also thinking i might drop it! Poor luke was trying to take a picture of me with it but i couldnt stand still it was like i was doing a panic shuffle! Its safe to say i didnt hold it for very long!....
....look at the terror in my eyes!

The next and last animal we had the pleasure of meeting was a .......KOALA! I had been waiting for this, and couldnt wait to give it a cuddle! We were led around to a wooded area near where the koalas lived and given some info about them and how to handle them, i was so excited when it came to holding it.... i was first ! I quickly got up and got into the correct position to hold it and the koala was placed on my arms it was amazing i really wanted to give it a proper cuddle but obviously its a wild animal and probly wouldnt appreciate my cuddle so i just stroked it! And me and luke had a pic with it :) and then i had some pics on my own it was so lovely a really good experience that i will remember forever it was the highlight of australia for me :) being close to an animal like that was just amazing....and he was so so soft :))))
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