This tour we hadnt really researched a lot on....we had read the description that came with our pack and that was about all! It was basically a full day actual full 12 hours! You dont get many of them nowadays! And it was a tour of national parks and beautiful waterfalls in the tablelands area of north queensland! We were excited but didnt want to presume much! Just incase it was crap!
Anyway when everyone was picked up we got on our way, we had two great guides ....josh and jimmy....and the tour bus was awesome.....
The first part of the drive was around 1 hour and it was up mountains and windy roads....we stopped on the way up for a picture....
We continued on.... The guides entertained us for the was fun!
The first stop was "lake eacham national park" and it was stunning, the lake itself was so beautiful and it had a great reflection of the surrounding rainforest....
It was here that luke had his first swim I was going to go in but it was only 9.30 and it was a bit chilly for me! However as the day went on I wished I had gone in this lake! But luke had a swim and jumped in from anywhere he could he was very daring :) he jumped in from a tree branch that was very high up....
We continued our journey to our next waterfall we walked around ten minutes & came across a was huge.... was a long way down ....& our guide bought with him a huge rock and we put all of our bad energy into the rock and then you throw it in the crater....when it hit the water it made a load noise it really ecod we have never heard anything like it! And the water was 50 meters from where we were standing, then it was 80 meters deep and a further 50 meters deep in a diagonal direction! So that rock had a long way to travel! It was then onto the waterfall....

Luke went in and said it was absolutely freezing! As cold as the water in new zealand! So I opted out! My body just doesnt like the cold! Luke jumped in and had a swim and climbed up the waterfall a bit....
Now unfortunately my bikini bottoms broke here :( so I couldn't swim anywhere even if I wanted to I wished I had swam in the first lake! We continued our journey we were on our way to get lunch...we had packed a packed lunch but decided to get some wedges to go with it and they were scrummy! Anyway on route to the cafe we stopped at a viewing point and had one of the best views we had had since we got in australia!...
We picked up lunch and headed to the next waterfall....the guide said that this may be one of the places that peter andres mysterious girl vid was shot! But he wasnt sure & I haven't seen the vid for years so couldnt tell you! Anyway we all sat down for lunch in front of this beautiful waterfall....
It was a really beautiful waterfall, luke again said the water was freezing but he just jumped in! I enjoyed getting some good snaps of him....
After this we continued to our next and final stop which was "josephine falls" but on route we stopped at some tea fields and a fruit stall which sold fruit grown on the owners own ground and it was really tasty....we got 5 bananas for $1 ! And there was no one manning it there was just the fruit there and a honesty box!
We got to the final stop & after a short walk in the rainforest we got to Josephine falls....
It was lovely and there was a natural water slide there! It was here that i wished my bikini bottom hadnt broke! It looked very fun here and I missed out :( but I enjoyed watching luke :) the current was really strong and it was a little dangerous so I'm not sure if my bikni bottoms breaking was fate because i dont know if I would have coped with the current and also climbing up the rock to get to the slide it would be my luck I would have a accident! There was this poor canadian girl travelling alone who attempted to climb the rock and sliped and fell on her face :( she cut her head and a lump the size of a tennis ball came up on her forehead :( I felt so sorry for her and she was flying the next day to new zealand, we also saw another guy cut his head open where the current had taken him so fast into a rock, there were signs everywhere saying it was dangerous & our guide said it was dangerous & carried a rope and floating device, so I dont think its a bad thing I didn't go in! But luke had a great time he dived in climbed up the wall and enjoyed going down the slide many times! ....
The water in this waterfall was fresh spring water and our guide said we could drink it ! So we filled our bottles up and it was so tasty nicer then the water coming out the taps in our hostel! We took a wonder up to the top of the fall....
We headed back to the group and had afternoon tea....we got biscuits, cake, fruit it was lovely :) we gad a group photo and then it was time to leave :( we had a hour drive back and by the time we got back it was 19.30! We had quite litrally had a full day tour and had really enjoyed it :) I will be writing a outstanding review on this tour :) we got to see some really beautiful spots in the tablelands and it was a breath of fresh air for us as we were begining to be fed up with oz! But we had a great day :) this is deinately the tour to do in cairns......"captain mattys atherton tablelands tour"
Chester would of LOVED that natural slide!! Xx