To most of my friends it's no secret that I am a princess! Infact some of my closer friends call me that and refer to me as a princess this is mostly because they all think I can't cope without all my material things and they think I definitely wouldn't be able to cope in a hostel! They are also all aware how I hate dirt, and anything cringey like sleeping in a filthy bed or dirty dishes etc! It's all a big joke really.....but I am here to say I have coped in many disgusting, dirty and just down right awful places ! And have survived! And it wasn't as bad as I thought! But in the bigger picture I still do like to have everything that I need at my side! But here are a few things that I and Luke really do miss.......... some home comforts!
It has become more apparent in recent weeks how much we miss our home comforts! Throughout our travels we have always missed something or another but the list seems to be getting longer as the weeks go on! But we don't think it's just that we miss them.....we miss being able to go to the shop and get something we fancy at the drop of a hat! The food, snacks, goodies and other things we like fruity ciders are either not available or to expensive! It's infuriating! And this seems to be more in australia then anywhere else!.....I do feel that australia is a bit behind the times! Unfortunately this may offend some .....but...... That's the reality!
First comfort....fruity ciders and alcohol generally!....We are on a tight budget so we can't go out every night drinking and pissing our money up the wall same as when we are at home as we are always saving for something.....mostly holidays! So we buy some fruity ciders and have a drink at home...... We would like to do this here but there are two problems with this ......number one alcohol In General is super expensive, at home you can get 3 ciders for £5 well here you can barely buy one for £5! Second problem is NO supermarkets sell alcohol! It it strictly only bottle shops that sell alcohol! So we have to find them! That sucks!
Next comfort we miss is .......having a car and our own independence to do and go where ever we want when we want! It's hard sometimes being restricted to walking distance and public transport! How people do it everyday throughout life I will never no! How can anyone cope without a car forever ! There has been places we would have liked to visit and certainly places we would have liked to fish but just cannot get there :(
This next comfort is really more for Luke then me! ....... "Goodies" as he calls them.....biscuits, cookies, muffins and chocolate! Now he won't really admit it but he does love his goodies! But again the price of all of this stuff is so high! We have to buy cheap biscuits which in turn arnt as nice :( what we wouldn't give for a pack of chocolate hobnobs and golden crunch creams! Luke also badly wants the blue berry muffins that are in sainsburys ! He loves them and will literally eat the four pack in one sitting ! What we have to do is buy a big bar of dairy milk when it's on offer and basically make it last! A tad bit annoying!
This next one is mainly for me ...but Luke misses it aswell!....A BATH! OMG I would give anything for a lovely long hot bubble bath! We both had not have a bath since middle of October time (obviously we have been having showers!) but sometimes you just want a bath! Especially after some of the bloody long walks we did in New Zealand ....hiking up hills ! The recovery requires a bath! and also when it has rained in some freak downpour and you are soaked and cold ! A shower just doesn't cut it!
Comfort number 5 ...... Our lazy Sundays (or any day that we manage to get off work together! It's rare but it happens!) in our own living room together on our own, cooking a loving stew or roast, watching films and basically just chilling on the sofa together all day! We don't really ever have any privacy to ourselves on this trip (until we hit USA!) just to be together and chill and we miss it, some couples hate spending a lot of time just them but to us it's relaxing... My job is hard, stressful, mentally and physically draining......Luke's is very physically demanding, also hard and can be mentally challenging plus he does loads of over time so when we do get a day off together that is our relaxing time ...... So yes that is greatly missed :(
This ones just for me!...... I miss all my lovely handbags and shoes (and dresses!) :( I have a lovely collection of dkny bags which are all sitting at home in there dust covers missing me! And all my different shoes including my very comfy ugg boots which my feet are greatly missing, my jandles just don't feel the same! I would love to wear my uggs just for the day! I really miss having a big selection of clothes etc to choose from instead of wearing the same clothes over and over again people that look at our pictures must think we don't ever wash our clothes! Luke misses it to ......not on the same level but he has some lovely clothes and footwear plus we both had loads of clothes made in Vietnam so I want to wear them now! He also misses seeing me all dressed up when we used to go out for the evening! This has only just starting bothering me very recently as I am now sick of looking at the same clothes in our bag! And I miss my nice clothes! I like to dress up, look nice, wear make up everyday that's just me :) I think it's safe to say that the backpacker look is just not us! Plus I am also very sick of the sight of my leggings and blue shorts which are now to big :(
Our valuables.....we are travelling with a lot of valuables.....ipad, kindle, iPhones, cameras, video cameras ...oh and our passports! .....the list just goes on! We realise that many travellers just travel with there phones but we are the exception! What we really miss is the feeling of not having to worry about your valuables, you can leave them in your house Charging on the side and not have to think twice about it, but every single day travelling we are thinking about where our valuables are, if they are safe and if they are locked away...... We cannot leave our phones or anything on charge for a few minutes while we go to the toilet or something as they will get stolen it has happen on this trip to others :( it's quite a stress having to ensure all your belongings are safe and not just the valuables but everything .....people steal the oddest things, a lot of the hostels in australia don't have lockers for you to store your stuff in or if they do you have to pay for them! It would just be nice to not have to worry about it for just a day!
So there you have it.....our list of the things we miss the most obviously the family and friends are on a whole new level and we miss them more then anything ! And chester & Millie just have there own new level ! I couldn't even write about how much we miss them :( But as for material things, food, handbags, shoes and just the things we love these are the main things we are missing, I don't think you ever stop missing the things you love and are used to its just a case of finding a substitute but for now we are missing these things and no substitute can really make up for it!
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