And although most do not believe that I can fish or even catch a fish .... Due to my princess status! I am actually not so bad at all! Luke has taught me everything I know..... He is very patient and a good teacher .....I really do not know how he copes with me I am not the best student! I get very frustrated if I can't do what I am being taught the first time! Thank you dad for that trait! But he has managed to teach me......and I am pleased he has, as I am becoming quite the angler!
So just to add a bit of history to it ......Luke carp fishes at home and has done since he was a little boy and he is very good at it and really know's his stuff! He really enjoys his time fishing he loves the quiet peaceful listening to the birds aspect of it.....and of course catching the fish! Even though this is his main hobby it his not his life which is why I think I have found it easy to get Into :) we don't go every weekend or evening so when we do go it's nice :) he has taken me to many different places in kent and I have been lucky enough to catch a few fish .....
Since this picture I have caught many fish and have got more confident handling them!
It's a small telescopic one which he bought a seperate reel for so I can continue to use it while we are travelling and also take it home to use! It is the perfect rod for me and Luke ensures me it will be a lot of fun! Since coming travelling I have really found out how fun fishing can be and it's great we can do it together :)
We went fishing in New Zealand at west port where we caught kahawai :) it was here he saw me being more confident, we were on some rocks and it was difficult to get the fish out of the water and onto a rock so we could unhook them, and they were strong fish as they were from the sea! So this was a whole new ball game for me! But I really enjoyed it and even held a few fish with little hesitation ! And I was on my own on a rock having to handle them myself! I think this was a proud moment for Luke :))
I was very pleased with my self after that days fishing and was itching to do more but sadly we didn't have the chance to in new Zealand so I was looking forward to the fishing in australia :))
We couldn't fish in New South Wales for free so decided to wait until we got To Queensland to fish :) Luke couldn't wait to get stuck in! I was a bit nervous as I felt a little unprepared for catching big sea fish or a sea fish for that matter I wasn't sure if I would be able to handle them! I knew Luke would teach me new techniques tho :)) Luke had bought a fishing rod at the end of our New Zealand trip a telescopic one so we were prepared for fishing in oz :)
The first place he caught fish was Brisbane :) he caught flat head including a huge one! It Was all very exciting he gathered a little crowd of people watching him ! And it was great catching something he hadn't caught or handled before ! I loved watching him :) i sat this one out and just watched Luke doing what he does best :) .... of the smaller flathead he caught :)

So next we fished in noosa....this was a beautiful place to fish and Luke taught me some more fishing skills :) I am casting the rod all on my own :) he has taught me well However I still need more practice but he says I am good :) so I cast the rod and caught fish and reeled them in all on my own :) proud !! I caught a bream and a puffa fish ! I was super excited as the fish were really pretty especially the bream and I love the excitement of not knowing what you are going to catch! I loved holding the bream and I think it was good practice for me as Luke says the small ones are harder to handle as they move alot so by the time we get back and go carp fishing I should be confident to hold them no problem!
So noosa was a fishing success and I really enjoyed it :)
We next tried our luck at Hervey Bay where you can fish off this massive pier called Urangan pier and catch huge fish! The kind of size I would not be able to reel in! So I decided I would be the bait catcher so I spent the two days we fished there catching the bait .....another new skill I learnt ....more knowledge to add to my fishing skills! It was kinda fun and I caught loads and I handled them well on my own and even took the hooks out of a lot of them something which I had never done before ! I was super pleased with my self for that! I never thought I would be able to do that! Luke just gives me confidence :)
It was here that Luke Caught another fish that he hadn't caught before a cobia .....
So all in all I have absolutely loved the fishing we have been doing here and I have learnt so much and have loved catching the different fish, I am also very much looking forward to catching my first catch on my first rod :)
We plan to do more fishing as we visit more places, it's exciting to never no what we will catch!
I am so pleased Luke has shown me the hobbie of fishing :) I never in a million years thought that I would ever go fishing ! I am just not that kind of girl, I am quite squeamish and a girly girl! But it turns out you can enjoy anything you put your mind to......people can introduce you to all different things you never thought you would do and it's important to go in with an open mind ...... You never no what you might enjoy!
I love that this is something we can do together and that we both enjoy it, I love that Luke's proud of me for how far I have come and I just love watching him fish :) it's an all rounder thumbs up for me!
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