We had a early start the next day we wanted to go straight to our next hostel "Sydney harbour yha" we made our way to the station again to get the train to the closest stop, the station we left from was called central station and it was lovely and looked a bit like Waterloo east in London! We got a train to wynard and then walked the rest of the way it seemed a long walk but in hindsight it wasn't long at all! We arrived at our next hostel and just fell in love with it, the hostel itself was huge our room was big with a lovely view of the opera house and bridge which we did not expect and the view from the terrace was just like the pictures.....
.......we were relieved and happy to be spending our new year at this hostel we were going to have a front row seat of all the celebrations!

We decided to go straight out and explore the city ! Our first stop being the Sydney harbour bridge! We decided to walk across it, it was a lovely sunny day and the view all the we across it was unbelievable.....

We got to the other side and sat down to take it all in! It was just spectacular we really couldn't believe. We were here!.....
We walked back across and towards the direction of the opera house and it was BUSY! But the atmosphere was so great, we grabbed some fish and chips to share and sat beside the water and enjoyed our food. We wondered around to the botanical gardens and sat people watching for a while! Then Decided to explore the city! We went to the biggest shopping place in Sydney to have a browse! It was so busy and there were so many sales on. It was so tempting to buy loads but we had a budget and small bag so restrained ourselves! We then headed back we were pretty tired by this time and we wanted to get some rest as we were meeting with my cousins tomorrow :)
So earlyish start for us the next day, we were off to meet my cousins - jacki, mark, Chloe and Charlie. We met them on the opera house steps and I will write a seperate blog about our day with them! But it was a good day.
Next day we decide to revisit darling harbour we was there the day before and we loved it, we got up at 7am nd walked long to darling harbour, first stop was the wild life sanctuary where's we saw koalas, kangas, Tasmania devils, wallabys and many more native Ozzie animals ! It was a really good morning we had planned to do the aqaurium next but the que was right around the harbour! So we went over to the shopping area to get lunch and take some more pics, Luke was also on the look out for some trainers as his walking shoes we knackered and absolutely stank we just couldn't get the smell out! We had the nicest veggie burger we have had yet! It was so scrummy! And the. Had a wonder around and decided to go to the city to go to the sky tower and also just wonder around! We had a lovely afternoon I bought chester and Millie a few little bits to send home, we couldn't go up the Sydney tower as the que was just stupid! Well over an hour ! Another thing to put on our list for tomorrow! We made our way back as our feet were just killing us, we spent the evening face timing and skyping all our family and friends! I was up until gone 2am! I had to make sure I spoke to everyone I wanted to as wifi was so shocking and very expensive for us!

So next day was another early start for us ! We went to the postoffice first thing to send our packages home and then to the aqaurium, it was a pretty good aqaurium and even though we got there early it was still quite busy! But it was very educational and we enjoyed it ......

We decided to have a ice cream after this, and sit and admire the view of darling harbour, it was new years eve and there were people everywhere some working to get everything ready for tonight others just wondering like us! We went back Into town where Luke found a pair of trainers for a cheap price! He was so pleased. Our feet were aching so much I don't think we realised how much we walked other the last few days ! We went to the Sydney tower again it was still bust but went up anyway, the system for the lifts was so slow and the actual lifts were super small !when we got to the top we were very disappointed, it wasn't that high and the views weren't what we thought they were going to be we couldn't really see the opera house, it just wasn't what we thought it would be, and we heard others saying it wasn't very good as well, after this we made our way back to have a rest before the big night ! However I ended up doing more research, emails and bookings for the future oz trip and Luke went and rested! We only had wifi for a other few hours so I just thought I had to take full advantage of it! And only the ipad had wifi so it was easier for me to just get on with it! I manage to have a small rest before the party, but generally no rest that day!
See seperate blog for arty details!
Our last day which was New Year's Day we decided to have a much needed lay in! We had a bit to drink aswell so needed to rest. We ventured out around lunch time to just have a wonder around the quay and go to the opera house, we was very dehydrated a. D it was a very hot day! We took it very slow! Stopping a lot to take some pics!
We stayed at the opera house for a bit, there was free wifi and we both had headaches and needed to sit down! We admired the opera house and it's structure, it was completely tiled with two different colour tiles which would explain why it does t look bright white like I thought it would ! It it was pretty amazing! We headed back and my headaches by this point was unbearable it was bordering on migraine, so I had to spend the rest of the afternoon resting, thank god Luke was there to look after me, he was so good and got me everything I needed! It took about 5 hours but the headache finally died Down and I was. Able to pack with Luke's help! And we both had a sandwich for dinner! Tomorrow we starting on our hop on hop off oz experience tour! Amd while being excited to see more of oz we absolutely fell in love with Sydney :) we was glad we was coming back here in march! I w as surprised how much Luke loved it as he isn't a fan of cities he prefers the beaches! But he loved it just as much as me :) I don't think there were really any bad points about Sydney for us! we enjoyed every day we spent here :) it is a city right up our street! We didn't have time to go to byron bay or the blue mountains so at is on the list for when we return at the end of march :)

Next stop port Macquarie :)
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