I havnt seen my cousin jacki and her two children Chloe and Charlie for around four years and I hadn't seen her partner mark for about 22 years so I was very excited to meet them and spend the day with them and was so excited for Luke to see them and meet them aswell.
It was a lovely day and we met them on the opera house steps I was looking around for them and hey were just staring right at me waving at me! We all hugged and I introduced them all to Luke and then we set off ! We didn't know what we were going to do but we just went for a. Ice walk around he harbour to the rocks where we were staying, and me and jacki were constantly talking! I don't think we stopped for air!
We decided we would take the ferry to darling harbour, me and Luke were excited for this .....one because we knew the view of both the opera house and bridge would be great from the ferry and because we really wanted to go to darling harbour! We didn't realise it was so close!
Circular quay was so busy we hadn't really thought about it being kids summer holidays in January ! Jacki said it was super busy we weren't to fussed about it being busy it's what we expected its a city and it was the festive season ! Anyway we boarded our ferry to darling harbour it was around a 20 minute ferry ride and a bonus was ere was free wifi on the ferry I had a quick check in with the family.
We arrived at darling and first impressions were it was beautiful, it was just as busy as circular quay but it was like we had gone to a different place in oz altogether ! It was a beautiful harbour with bars, restaurants, shops and just a real nice atmosphere :) it was right up our street!....

We had a wonder around the harbour and over the harbour bridge where there once was a monorail that shut down in June of that year, so we missed out on that, but the walk was nice! There was more chatting And catching up and I was chatting to the kids and getting to know them aswell, Chloe remembers me from when they last visited England but Charlie was much younger and only remembered bits of his trip to England !
We walked through the shopping center at the harbour and I stopped to but chester and Millie a gift! We then sat down and had some lunch, me and Luke had the Most amazing vegi burgers! I think these were possibly the nicest ones we had had! They had a vegi patty in, lettuce, tomato, avocado, mayo, sweet chilli sauce and something else but I can't quite remember what it was! It was nice anyway!
We decided that we would go to a nearby park so the kids could have a run around! It was super hot today however the ozzies kept saying "if it was a nicer day......." But it was so hot to us! It was over 80 degrees but there was a breeze! Which was nice but to them it was chilly! It was so funny! We were sitting in The park for what must have been about two hours ! We were just chatting the whole time! And Luke was chatting to mark, it was weird actually because although I hadn't seen them for 4 years and before that it had been so many other years since I had seem them but we were chatting like I saw them last week! We had to sit in the shade after a while as I was getting burnt!
We then decided to have a walk through the town which would finally bring us back to circular quay! Jacki and mark were giving us loads of tips for our journey ahead, and loads of tips for Sydney :) Chloe was chatting to us about the theme parks at the Gold Coast!which we would be going to in a couple of weeks ! Very excited about that!
Both Chloe and Charlie chatted to us about there trip they left there home last april (2013) and went in a year long adventure around the whole of australia in a camper van :) and they were all having so much fun, it was really great to hear what they had been up to :) and what an experience for the children something they will take with them throughout there lives. I was also asking Chloe about her dog coco! She had had to leave her behind but they are going to get him back when they get home ! So they were going to be travelling for at least the next month probably returning home in February time. They had just came down the east coast of oz and we were just travelling up it so it was interesting listening to what they had been up to, jacki can't wait to here what we like the best etc.
We we're walking for pretty much the entire morning and afternoon the kids were getting a very tired and so were me and Luke! We hadn't worn appropriate foot wear! And our feet were killing us! We were back down by the quay and there was a bit of a sort of scene down there called "mambo" this ment nothing to us but mua I told us it was a very popular surfers make! And it was there because the eye that would be on the bridge for New Years was there logo or something! Very interesting so we had a look......

It wa then dinner time and we got on a other ferry all onthe same ticket! We wouldn't of known about this if it wasn't for jacki! We got a cheap Sunday ticket which ment we could ride the buses and ferrys all day on this one ticket! They took us on one that went all around the harbour to all stops so we could see all around Sydney! It was great fun :) we saw all the beauty of Sydney :)
We got off the ferry at darling harbour :) and went for dinner, after dinner it was about 8pm and they had quite a long journey back so we said our goodbyes and they headed back and we stayed around the harbour for a while before finding a shopping center pointed out by jacki called "woolworths!" We badly needed to go food shopping so we spent a while in there and then headed back via bus! It wasn't far but we were knackered ! We got back around 22.30!
What a great day with the ozzies a lot of walking, talking and fun! We really enjoyed our day with them, and Luke enjoyed meeting them all, it went so quickly tho! I no that we will come back to australia we already love it, so I Said that we would defo come to Margaret river to visit them at some point! And that I hoped she would come to England soon for another catch up! What a great day :)))))
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