When he got off the ride luke said the actual dropping of the door and when you fall is the scariest but then it's just over in seconds!! I was so proud that he did it ! I couldn't do it! We then went back to our chairs for a roll and a drink! And to do a little sunbathing! We ran out of water pretty quick so I went in search for a water fountain I was told there was only one In the park .....and when I got there it didn't work! Anyway to cut the story short I eventually found someone to fill it up after going to 4 different food outlets including the bar who told me they didn't have taps or couldn't fill it up ! I was shocked we had to wait in uncovered que's and then there was no water to rehydrate you ! They wanted you to buy there bottles water which was $4.50 per small bottle which is around £2.50! Something we can buy for around 50p in the uk! Anyway this went on for most of the day including one person giving me back my bottle filled up with hot water before telling me she had no cold tap! when I finally went to guest services and they filled it up with freezing cold water for me! Nobody advised me to go there I wish someone had in the first place !
We went to the lazy river for a bit and it was lovely just chilling in the sun :) there was one ride here it was a surfing ride ....

.....and it was pretty scary !
We only went on that once ! We next headed back to the main pool where we had a bit of fun in the wave pool before getting out and chilling and grabbing some food from our cool box :) we sat here for pretty much the rest of the afternoon, it was hot but there was a slight breeze which was needed! We left at around 16.30 and got the very busy bus back to surfers :) we had some salad left so decided just to buy a French stick again and have salad rolls which went down a treat :) we went for a little wander in town the view was so nice from the end of our road just watching the sea was great :)) we headed back and decided to get some wifi it was cheaper to get 7 days worth and as we were here for ten days that would be perfect :) having got it we realised it wouldn't work in our room :( so we would have to use it directly in front of reception! I decided I would FaceTime my auntie no :) I miss her very much and hadn't had a good chat with her for a while so we had a good catch up, I love chatting to her and it was nice to chat to someone at home :) we were pretty tired that night and having asked for a fan earlier that day after spotting people having 2 fans in there room! We manage to get one ! So that nights sleep was the best we had had here! Although still quite hot we left the balcony door open!
We decided to not set the alarm and just get up when we wanted to! Which was around 9.30 for me, sadly Luke woke up with a headache which we think is due to dehydration :( we had been drinking lots of water but probly not enough to compensate us being in this heat and sweating! I gave him some pills and water and carried on pottering around doing some laundry etc! By about 11 am we had both got ready to go out! For today was beach day! We had some breaky and headed straight for the beach !
It was pretty busy as it was a Saturday so all the locals were out, and you can only swim between the flags so between the flags it was so busy and the waves were pretty strong and big aswell the life guards kept having to put the sirens on to tell people to move between the flags, there are always some people that just don't listen it's for there own safety but they think they can handle the sea! We had just recently learnt what all the flags ment - yellow means - potentially dangerous conditions, red is danger don't enter the water, red and white checker is sighting of a shark and blue is a board riding area for surfers! We only really grasped onto the shark one! That's the one that stuck mostly in our heads ! We had a great morning and early afternoon at the beach and later went back to the pool as we were super sandy and it was so busy at the beach!
That night we went to the sea front and found a cheap deal for dinner we had fish and chips for $5 each! It was hoki which we had had before and was nice, we were so sick of eating pasta so we treated ourselves to fish and chips! Whilst watching the sunset :) perfect :)) as we had purchased internet for a week we took this oppourtunity to FaceTime my mum and dad we missed chatting to them and wanted to tell them all about our adventures :) it wasnice catching up amd then we facetimed my sis and boo and poppins :) which was nice :) would have liked to have spoke to Luke's mum but she hasn't contacted us for weeks :( and we can never get hold of her :( so there's nothing I can do about that.
The next day was another relaxing one! We just sat at the pool all day until around 5pm it was heaven we just chatted about our trip and reminisced again! We love thinking back to our adventures! And I caught up with my postcards :)) that night we decided to cook some dinner so we had potato, sweet potato, broccoli and carrots with gravy and Luke had a meat pie it was lovely just what we needed :) we caught up on our Aussie planning and booking and went upstairs to watch mission impossible - ghost protocol! We had hoped to go to bed early as we were going on the fishing charter early tomorrow but we watched that film and then something else came on that was interesting and then we chatted to our roommate so it ended up being a 1am bed time ! And we had to get up at 5am. It was a bad nights sleep as we had a new man in the room and he snored so bad it woke us up multiple times! I was literally going to kick him in the arse! I did slap my jandle down on the bed side table next to him and it didn't wake him!
We pretty much did not sleep at all and were awake half an hour before our alarm went off ! But were so excited about the day Luke had waited for this since we left England so I couldn't wait to see him catch some big fish. We got up at 5am and got a taxi around 5.30am when we arrived at the departure address there was no one there and Infact the charter was slightly late! Which annoyed us a little bit as we had been told to get there 5 minutes early! When the charter came around the corner we were both shocked at the size of it! It was tiny! I hadn't really looked this trip up but Luke had been researching it for ages and he said it was a good one so I just went with it, it was the best cheapest one Luke had found it was $90 each for 5 hours and they stop at a few different stops and pretty much gurantee you will catch fish at your first stop and there after! But the boat was so small and by this time there was loads of people there, we boarded and got a safety talk there was 11 of us all together he did talk a bit about sea sick tablets and that we all got sent a text about what ones to get and the best ones etc etc however we didn't get this text! And we was suppose to get a text with the departure address but didn't get it so I emailed them and they emailed that info but failed to mention the sea sick tablets :( Luke had mentioned them the day before but I had said we don't need them, we had never been sea sick before and I just didn't think we needed them, however as time went on I realised I should have listened to Luke.
We set off and I was feeling ill pretty much from the start and I just couldn't control it :( I knew I had made a mistake not taking those tablets Luke seemed ok and said he was fine but at the same time he didn't seem right to me I knew him well and he wasn't jumping to put bait on his hook so I knew something was wrong :( I expressed I felt sick and the skipper told me just to sit outside and look at the horizon it will make me feel better! It didn't and then Luke felt ill by the time we had stopped at the first place and left again I was Inside with my head on the table and Luke had already gone to the toilet to be sick and another girl was sick over the side, after Luke came out the toilet he said be sick you will feel better so I did and I felt like shit I felt good getting the bannana out my system that I had for breaky but after that it was just bile :( and you have that horrible feeling of being sick but having nothing to throw up! I came out the skipper said I could lay in the "hole" base of the boat and I gladly excepted it was wet with god knows what but I didn't care I needed to lay down and from that moment that's where I stayed until I got off! Poor Luke was pretty much in the toilet the whole time first throwing up and then heaving and bringing up bile, we left so early in the morning so we hadn't drank a whole lot and had only had a bannana so he was sicking up nothing and I just felt so sorry for him I really wanted to go see if he was ok but everytime I sat up I had to lay back down I just couldn't do it, I did shout for him a couple of times as I was so worried about him I kept telling him to come out and take deep breaths but he just kept being sick I felt helpless I hated seeing him this sick I think me laying down helped me I still felt rough as hell and really sick but I could take deep breaths close my eyes and just try and cope with it, my poor lukee :( the day went on no one caught any fishes apart from a couple of snappers, certainly not what had been advertised and they had also advertised free food and drink it was pour yourself tea and biscuits not really what we would call food! We continued to be ill the whole time the two staff not really helping or doing anything when we eventually got back to the port I could barely hear what he was saying but was glad we was back we both struggled like hell to get off he boat and the staff did nothing to help us or even say goodbye or give us advice or anything! I was in shock! When we got off the jetty Luke just collapsed :( he was shaking and could barely talk, I knew I had to get him home and hydrate him but he just couldn't manage to move :( I manage to get him to the other side of the car park wear he collapse again and was sick just green bile I was more worried by this point but was also feeling very ill myself and just wanted to get back I was trying to pursued Luke to walk with me but he just couldn't :( it was very frustrating at the time as I felt so ill and I couldn't do anything to help Luke at this point so I was just stuck, calling an ambulance had crossed my mind as I had no idea how we were going to get back, original plan was walking to the bus stop but that was out of the question, luckily a taxi came at this point to drop some others off so we jumped in the taxi and got back in no time, Luke got straight to bed for a lye down and I got him and myself some fluids and we pretty much spent the afternoon and evening doing nothing and hydrating our selves and eating a bit we both felt so drained and had headaches poor Luke felt the roughest and I was still concerned about him.
I left him to rest for a bit in the evening and went down to reception to do some more stuff on the internet we had paid for seven days and I didn't want to waste any time or money! That was me all over! I tried to pay some stuff and book some stuff and unfortunately the bank thought it was unusual activity so blocked our cards it was half my fault because I made mistakes on amounts as I was not thinking straight and that would have looked most unusual! Luckily I contacted my mum and she had it all sorted out in less then 24 hours! My mum ladies and gentlemen is a angel ! What we would do without her I don't know! We can really count on her to help us at the drop of a hat and sort things out, plus she knows how stressed I get with the bank ! Anyway the point is I couldn't ask for a better mum and just don't know what I would do without her :) and my lovely dad of course both amazing and very much loved.
We was both so disappointed with the fishing charter, even if we had not been sick we wouldn't have caught anything so it would have been a complete waste of money and falsely advertised ! I felt so sorry for Luke :( he was really looking forward to this and was excited and it just wasn't what we thought, it was just a tourist boat and not what we like, we felt shit that we had wasted all that money when we were being so careful with our money and really picking our activities and that was $200 just gone :( but then if we hadn't done it we would of forever been wondering about it, I definitely should have listened to Luke about the sea sick tablets and I need to stop being so stubborn and just believe he is right aswell! He knows what I am like ! But I need to listen to him he does no best sometimes!(most of the time!) I felt bad for not getting them and will listen to him next time :) love my lukee :) and hated seeing him so ill, Infact in the while time we have been together he has not been that ill :( and it was horrible to see, we will put it down to anexperience but we won't be doing that again anytime soon! Luke said it was the worst day ever :(
Having attempted and pretty much failed to catch up on bookings that night I gave up and went to sleep ! It was needed and we was asleep that night before 10pm! And we slept until 10am! Which we hadn't been doing for a while because the heat and we had been getting up early to sight sea, Theme parks etc. but we must have needed it! We were going to go to sea world today and do the rides we had missed before but Luke still felt rough and I wasn't 100% I was a little disappointed but I couldn't really expect us to walk around sea world the day after being so ill! But I hated missing out and wasting a day! My parents will no this well and Luke knew this well but I had to just give up and have a rest ! So we had some breakfast and spent some time in the hot tub in the the shade and then just relaxed in our room and thinking a bit more clearly today we did do some research etc for our trip but felt like we got no where :( we wanted to book some more accomodation but were stuck on the town of agnes water we could not find a good enough hostel there :( there was only four and the reviews for all were bad apart from one but that one only had ten bed dorms and they didn't lock the doors to these dorms! So we just didn't no what to do, we started researching other towns but it gets so tedious we had been researching for ages long before we left England to get the most from our trip and quite frankly we couldn't be arsed any more ! But we knew we had to ! I just decided to email oz experience who we booked our tour with and ask there advise and then we called it a night ! And we were suppose to go to bed early but we watched a Film and didn't get to bed until gone midnight ! And we were getting up early the next day to go back to wet and wild.
So we were up early and so where the girls we had met opposite they were leaving today, it had been nice chatting to them and getting to no them. There was another girl in our room who seemed nice enough but I have to say she was soooo messy and when I went to close the curtain from her side of the bed there was plates and cutlery that were filthy and full of food and just sitting on the floor ! I can cope with mess everyone travels differently and sometimes you need you stuff everywhere but being dirty and leaving stuff like that around is just disgusting and when your sharing with others it's not fair! When we returned from wet and wild the dirty plates etc were chucked In her cutlery box still filthy and then she came home picked out the dirty knife and continued to make food with it! She had a bag of food on the floor actual food not just crisps and snacks open food there was like a pot of chicken in sauce which had been there ages and she picked that up and the dirty knife and made a sandwich on the locker tops! It was so disgusting! We don't normally moan about other travelers and especially on here but it was so disgusting! Luckily she was leaving the next day! Thank god as that night she proceeded to smoke weed on the balcony and waft it in! Each to there own but don't waft it around for others to breath in! We spent half the night shutting the balcony door!
We decided today that we would go back to wet and wild just to go on the slides that we had missed before, but still feeling a little under the weather we got to the bus stop and waited 25 minutes! I think these buses just make up there own timetables ! Then one came and it was full so we couldn't get on it! We weren't exactly there late we had got up early ! Then another came and we jumped on it! Unfortunately we got on the wrong bus :( something we have never done! Anyway we ended up at dreamworld and the bus driver said he would take us to wet and wild ! So all around it was an hour and half journey ! We eventually got to the park just after 10.30 so we just found a spare seat in the shade dumped our stuff there and went off, it was still pretty busy but we did what we could and had some lunch then we started to feel a bit ill and Luke had a headache so we went back and had a rest etc etc it was nice to visit wet and wild again :) we spent the evening at the night market just having a browse and then went to bed relatively early.
We decided that the next day which was our last we would go to movie world we wanted to see a few shows that we did not have time to see before and go on some of the rides again! We decided to not take anything of value so we could just leave our bags outside the ride this time and not have to pay for a locker as that's what everyone seemed to do! We got on the right bus this time! And the morning had started with some serious rain! But we still went it was only really spitting through the day so it was ok it was overcast which was nice a nice break from the heat! We qued up for the superman ride the only ride you had to pay for a locker for your stuff, chucked our stuff under some stairs that were there outside the shop and continued to que and then the staff said "you can't leave this there it's like leaving a bag unattended at the airport!" Errrrrr it wasn't... this was a lunchbox that I have told you I put there! F*****g idiot anyway we had to move it! He said put it in a locker! But we didn't want to as it would be like your paying for the ride when you have already payed to get in! And surely your have left it at your own risk? Anyway we gave that ride a miss that bloke had pissed us off! We went for the batman ride which was epic! And then saw the shows! It was a good day, we left at lunch time and just when we got back it started to piss down! We were so tired we layed down put the tv on and fell asleep for 3 hours! I think we were still getting over being ill :( we woke up had showers and facetimed friends. We were all packed and ready for our departure tomoz I had a headache by the evening and we just chilled and went to bed.
I must just add that there was new couple in the room from Sweden, friendly and also a girl from Norway both the girl in the couple and the other girl both just found completely except able to walk around the room in there thongs! And occasionally bra less! It was a bit odd when your in a room and you don't know anyone ! I woke up on we last day and the girl in the bed next to me was bent over getting something out of her bag in a thong ! It was 7am I did to need to see that!
.....Brisbane bound tomorrow :)))) where we have just heard there is flash flooding !
We absolutely loved experiencing the theme parks and got to go on some very different rides that we hadn't been on before with our faves being the Arkham asylum roller coaster at movie world and jet rescue at sea world :) we wasn't overly keen on surfers paradise as a place it appeared it was all built for tourists and everything was overpriced and there were so many night clubs and bars there were fights every night you could hear them from our balcony and it was in the papers for violent attacks at least twice while we were there! So it wasn't the best place, the beach was super busy aswell, but it was an experience! If we returned we would stay in coolangata and just make the journey to the theme parks, but we are off to brisbane tomorrow and are excited to see somewhere new :))