
Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Parting thoughts....

Our lives could have been so completely different if we hadnt become a couple, but eventually our paths met and we followed our hearts :) ....and its because we did this we have experienced this wonderful trip together and made some amazing memories to last a lifetime. We have overcome many obstacles together before and during our trip that have really tested us as a couple, and things that have tested us on our own and have come out stronger for getting through it together. Nothing stays perfect and we are not perfect but together we are a good strong team and thats very important. 

I have learnt a lot whilst travelling and i am sure luke has to. A lot of things that have happened in my past (with boyfriends, car accident, family feuds etc) used to bother me and stress me out and its not until we have come travelling that i have truly realised that all of that doesnt matter and it is not worth all the horrible feelings that go with the stress. You live once and once only dont spend it being angry with yourself or others if something bothers me i will confront it, my life will not be affected by what others say and do, I will be putting myself first as i always should have done and as luke always tells me to do. Sometimes it takes something massive to happen in your life to give you a kick up the arse that you should of had a long time ago. I am so lucky to have a wonderful family around me which alot of people dont have and i have a great group of friends who i am bless to have. 

Unfortunately me and my sister havnt always seen eye to eye but i am hoping this will change now that we have had some time apart. I missed her and her family whilst away, i am proud of what my sister has achieved so far.....a mortgage, marriage and two absolutely amazing kids she really has been blessed with the best kids ever i love them so much :) we are two different people with two different personalities and i am the best auntie i can be to my niece and nephew they are my world. We are two very lucky girls with the best parents anyone could wish for who support us in everything we want to do and we had a Great childhood and were very lucky. Its time to forget what bothers us as lifes to short. Lets enjoy our future as sisters. Your my only sister and i love you to bits.

We want to give a massive thanks to my mum and dad, without your support, guidance, love and encouragement we would have struggled to go on this trip it was always a dream of ours to go but havng you both there has really helped give us the extra confidence we needed to go on this trip, your constant advice and support througout our travels was also a huge help. I feel so bloody lucky to have the parents i have what a inspiration they are, they have always helped, encouraged and supported me and my sister in everything we have always wanted to do, never been negative and bought us up so well that we both will always enjoy a happy life. People say there is no perfect parent but our parents are perfect and i feel extremely lucky to have them. So thank you mum and dad for being the best of the best.

Travelling has really made me think and feel differently about life in a good way! and whilst travelling i sat with my thoughts and this is what i was thinking.....Everybody has bad things, bad experiences they have had to live through in their life which is why you should never judge someone by there cover everyone is fighting a battle that you dont know about just be kind to everyone. No body is perfect as everybody finds faults in everyone else but believe your life is as perfect as it can be as if you are happy you life will be perfect in your eyes, and isnt that all that matters? 

Things happen in life and they often present you with a choice you may make the wrong choice at the time and wish you hadnt but there will be a time that you can make another choice and make a right turn instead of a wrong one, these choices will appear regularly and its down to you to eventually choose the right path for you and follow your heart as when you do you will be rewarded with a fun, happy and relaxed life. Getting to the good times through the hard is a challlenge but when you get there....god its worth it. There was a time in my life where i just wasnt happy and didnt know what to do i thought i was going know where and i am sure my family and friends thought that to! But i am so glad i am now on this path which is by far the best path and right one for me! Follow your heart and your dreams will come true :) whilst travelling i really was thinking very deeply and it made me just reflect on certain things that have happened in my life already and the paths i took, but one things for sure i am so glad my path finially took me to luke and we have experienced travelling together.

I have found my prince after kissing far to many frogs ! and am so happy and am looking forward to our future together, finding someone to spend your life with isnt about finding someone you can live with its finding someone you cant live without and finding someone that you can have fun with, travelling as a Couple is a make or break thing and i am glad we have become stronger, we appreciate each other much more now and have had such a laugh finding each other and finding ourselves its been a great journey! And one we will never forget! Would we do it! Once was enough! Well.....maybe but very differently. The memories we have made together will last a life time and we have talked about the things we have done many times since being back, we really tested our limits whilst away and really pushed ourselves to do different things and having the support of each other really made a difference, what a epic 10 months and trip of a life times one we will never forget. Now to get excited for the next big chapter....saving for a mortgage & buying a place of our own. We cannot wait.

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