We were taken to a remote airstrip where we boarded a 4x4 that would take us to the entrance of the jungle trek! Me and luke had decided right at the last minute to wear our water shoes instead of walking shoes! And i am so glad we did! We also decided not to take a big bag at the last minute just to both hold one camera and take the dry bag incase we had to put them away! And of course our water! We began the trek.....and it WAS MUDDY ! However if we thought that was muddy we were in for a shock!! Because OMG only ten minutes in and we were covered in it!
It had been raining so was extra muddy! We began slow and it was fine all one level....but we were warned there were hills!! We were litrally ankle deep in mud and it was all over our legs! We came to an uphill and it wasnt to bad, and then of course there was a down hill! It was steep and VERY slipery!! And of course i was the only one that fell flat on my arse!! It was about half way down and it was like it was in slow motion, i stumbled and my arms went round in the air like a bloody windmill!!!! And then it was like i was in the air and came down like a sack of potatoes and right on my arse, i took it all in for about 3 seconds and then got up!! Completely dirty!! Of course no one else fell over there as after i fell over everyone got help!!
We continued.....and on the next hill i survived and didnt fall!! I thought this was as dirty as we would get......hahahahahaha i was so wrong!! We......quite litrally waded through knee deep water in the middle of some seriously long grass!! One guy fell over as he didnt step where we were told to and his leg just dissapeared !! The water was so deep but you couldnt see anything through the mud!! There was a few crossings like this!! And a lot of walking through stupidly long grass!! But it was great fun.
And then there was the river crossings!!..they were quite fun actually as we got to feel relatively clean for a while until back on land! One guy fell in from the bank but didnt quite reach the river so was just sitting in the mud! We did have a water stop half way through the walk and thats where the guides made all the girls hats from a local tree! I loved it!
It took about 45 minutes to reach the waterfall and when we did everyone apart from one girl went straight in!! Half because it was bloody hot and others to get clean....luke just jumped straight in and i wasnt far behind him!! And then the group went up to the top waterfall....i decided to wait at the bottom for luke i had over heard some others talking the night before saying you had to be a strong swimmer for the current at the top so i just swam around at the bottom! Where the current was also quite strong in itself! Anyway luke was the first down.....and he came jumping off the rocks straight in ! He said it was fun up there but quite slippery and dangerous to get down, we took some pics and swam around for a while and then it was time to go!
We began walking back.....we were walking a different way back as we were meeting a boat that would take us from the river back to the beach, it was still around a 45 minute walk through some rivers, and long long grass, by this point we were a little sick of the mud and just wanted to get to our resort! And clean ourselves! It was a great trek and great experience but the mud was so thick and it was just everywhere! After trekking through the long grass we came to a river which we would have to walk down to get to the boat.....
Now even in the pictures the river doesnt look as deep as it was! When i walked through it the water reached above my waist!! When we all got to the boat we climbed in and made the journey along the river with our guides & locals who sang the whole time! It was really funny! When we reached the beach it was beautiful...
Another ten minutes in the bus and we were at our resort......"uprising beach resort" and it looked great!
We really enjoyed this action packed day! It really pushed our boundaries and we had a great time it was such a laugh!! And is something we have never done and may not ever do again so we made some great memories that day :) every turn we took we couldnt believe what we had to walk over! And we thoroughly enjoyed it :)
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