.......anyway ! We woke on Xmas morning and Santa had been!! We had put a Xmas hat over a lamp and layed our few pressies under it we had for each other :) it felt a bit like Xmas :) we had a snuggle and then began to open our pressies :) Luke got me some jandles, a lovely piece of Jewellery for my belly piercing which I was not expecting :)) it was lovely and a lovely blue bandanna thing which is used for a bandanna, scarf, hair band, and a few other things! Very useful :) I got him a couple of Maori ornaments which he wanted but wouldn't have bought himself :) a neck scarf black one to cover a scar he has on his neck from the sun, a couple of drinking/alcohol related silly gifts :) and we also gave each other a Xmas card :) we were both pleased with our gifts and also pleased we had something's to open :) we had a lazy morning and the prepared dinner together :) I took the lead as I just can't help it ! But Luke was very helpful he helped with the vegi's and he did the pudding :) we decided we would have roast pots, sweet pots roasted, roasted carrots and parsnips, stuffing and Yorkshires :) oh and cabbage! And Luke had two pieces of lamb :) we seasoned the roasted vegi's with all kinds of stuff we found in the cupboard ! And we left it all to cook!
As it was cooking one of the girls that worked here put out chocolates, fruit, crackers, strawberries etc for everyone in the hostel to enjoy which was really nice :) we watched this program we had been following whilst in New Zealand called "the block" about four couples renovating houses from scratch for competition it was really good ! There was nothing xmassy on until later that night.
Dinner was finally ready and it looked lovely and our mouths were watering .......
......it was sooooo tasty :) I was very pleased and Luke absolutely loved it :) we absolutely stuff ourselves! Infact we stuffed ourselves so much we couldn't fit in pudding so we had a cuppa tea and some chocolates! Just before we left the table Luke was so full he really needed a food nap!

We settle for the afternoon in front of the telly with a new edition to the feline life in this hostel.....
We crawled up to our room still so full! But then decided it was a good idea to make a sandwich with the left overs! It was so tasty but it really wasn't needed! We sat and recovered from our food binge and watched only fools! As let's face it it really is t Christmas without a bit of only fools! Then we watched vicer of dibly! And shortly after I rang my nanny o :) I was so pleased to speak to her for a few minutes I missed her so much :( and she is always tearful when we speak it makes me tearful, I love her so much so hearing her voice made my day perfect :) it was a Perfect evening and perfect Xmas day :)
So Boxing Day came and we had decided we would walk to the mall to use there wifi to contact the family :) first call was to my sister to try and catch chester and Millie :) but they were asleep, I thought they would be but tried anyway, they had all had a good day and had got spoilt and liked our pressies which was nice as it was difficult to buy them things 6 months In Advance! Millie was easy to buy for she was a little girly girl and pretty much liked anything dolly or disney princess, but chester is in to so much and changes what he is into so much it was more difficult but I am glad he liked his pressies to, I am hoping to find him a skylanders somewhere on our travels one that he hasn't got but wants and be super auntie :))) love them both very much :) anyway after hearing about there day we rang my mum and dad :) it was so nice speaking to them on Xmas day and it was a constant laugh talking to them :) we have already booked ourselves in for next years Xmas :) I love spending Xmas with all the family it's so festive and fun, I sometimes wish we could all fly to disney world for Xmas day :))) we headed back to have a Boxing Day dinner, all the left overs! And it was lovely, more tv and over indulging :) off to oz tomorrow and simply cannot wait :))
Glad you have a good day! Chester and Millie we very pleased with their pressies! Nice to see you have already booked yourself in for next Christmas ffs! Thought we might get an offer seeing as they abandoned us this year. oh well! :)