The first thing that hits you as you drive into the town is the smell! It's awful, but as the driver told us you do get used to it after a while I got used to it but Luke didn't ! He hated it it made him gag several times!
So after some pit stops we arrived at the hostel, which we were very anxious about as we had booked into the party hostel base and we were feeling pretty old and tired! We had heard these hostels were full of teens drinking until silly o clock in the morning! As there is a bar attached to the hostel ! God I feel old writing that! But we havnt saved hard for a year to go and piss it up the wall and miss out because of hangovers! ......
.......anyway we arrived and hada. Double room booked for one night then a double ensuite for the rest of the time, the first night was quiet we were right over the over side of the hostel furvest from the bar and the rest of the time we were on the ground floor next to the a bit noisier and the bed was broken :( like actually snapped in two! Not the kind of bed Luke wanted to sleep in! I was ok I sank in to the edge of my side of the bed half way down!!
Anyway ....rotorua it self was stunning :) a lovely little town, wide streets, lots of trees, little town shops all around and a massive lake !! Our first afternoon was spent on a sky ride going to the top of a mountain so we could see the whole of rotorua the view was out of this world! ......
....and then we luge down the hill ! Luging is a Type of go karting I suppose not motorised, you just sit in this cart thing and you have a brake and a go lever and that is it! There are 3 seperate course - scenic, intermediate and advanced, you aren't suppose to race but our driver encouraged us to! It was such fun :) we went so fast, at one point we both went airborn and I had it on two wheels! It was fun :) we had five goes at that! After each time you would get the ski lift back up! It really was fun, we raced a few times and I almost caught Luke up! .....
....what a fun afternoon :)

We spent the rest of our time in rotorua, chilling by the lake with a subway ! Taking walks, and going to the Polynesian spa, which was a spa with 7 thermal baths! Which we could use for as long as we liked and it over looked the lake! Perfect relaxing afternoon that was! Although the pools were super hot!
We loved our time here the town is small but perfect :) we are off to taupo next where I plan to jump out of a plane 15,000 feet high over lake taupo! I am scared but extremely excited I have wanted to do this for years! And I simply cannot wait ! Luke will be waiting for me at the bottom with his feet firmly and safely on the ground.
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