It was close to an hour journey to the sanctuary a lot of time for me to get excited :))) we arrived and immediately saw at least 20 elephants :) I just couldn't believe how clues we were to them! They did have one chain attached to one leg and we would later find out why that was.
We suited up appropriately to be with the elephants......
...and set off to feed them! We were given big baskets of sugar cane and bananas, of course they preferred the bananas ! They each had a keeper that was sitting with them, and we had to ask whether it was ok that we feed them or take a pic! I just couldn't believe we were that close to these huge mammals, it was a little intimidating! But I enjoyed it so much :) we went round to all the elephants we could and fed them even the babies :) 
We did this fir quite some time then sat down to have a chat with our guide. He answered a lot of questions I gad going through my head, it's as if he knew what questions we would all ask! He gave us loads of info on these elephants....
I quickly decided that when we were to go and ride them after lunch that I would be on the back and not on the neck! We were soon to break for lunch so just chatted some more with the guide, he went on to tell us that this sanctuary was not government funded as they did not support it ! I thought that was terrible, I was so pleased tho that were people here in thailand that decided to start this sanctuary with no support they get slot of supply's for the elephants through donations etc, it just be so hard for them continue with no funding, what an amazing job :) and people :) I was pleased to be hear and fir us to make our cintrubution to them :) what a worthy cause. Each elephant had a keeper and you could clearly see the close relationship they had, the elephants enjoyed there company and the keepers cared a lot for them. We had a lovely lunch and sat in a hammock fir a but and just watched the elephants go down for there baths and to call off!
After lunch it was time to meet the elephants we would depend the rest of the day with! We were assigned the largest one there "malaroo" or "malamoo!" We can't quiter remember her name but she as huge we thought the guide was joking when he said we would get her! She was lovely, and just so big and tall! I got on her back first which I immediately felt safer on! And Luke climbed onthe neck, and then we were off........ just took your breath away being so close to this amazing creature and I still could not believe what we were doing :) we went round the whole complex once (the elephants were in a complex as the goverment would not allow them to roam in the jungle :( ) it was pretty big tho, and half way round she got so hot that she sucked up a muddy puddle and sprayed both her sides with it getting us (mainly me) covered I mud! It was sooo funny.....
......We stopped for a rest and to let the elephants cool down and have a rest, although an amazing experience it was quite painful on the old legs! We went around again and then it was time to bath our elephant......

....what an amazing day and one I will never forget :) it really was a dream come true, we learnt so much about these gorgeous Asian elephants and there keepers, We are so happy that this place exists and that these few elephants were able to be saved and get the proper love they deserve, we did so much with them, we would of been happy to just feed and bath them but being able to ride them naturally was amazing if a little bit scary ! These animals are well looked after which you can see, they look happy and contented, it's a shame they will never be able to be released into the wild, but they have all been born Into captivity and do not posses the skills to survive In the wild, but being at this sanctuary is worlds better then the life they were previously living.

In thailand elephants are commonly used to make money in many different cruel ways, dancing, putting on shows, begging on the streets, used as tourist attractions and used in circuses. Often not being properly looked after :( these people at the sanctuary approach the owners and buy these elephants off them and bring them here to live a better life, sometimes they don't have to approach the owners the owners will approach them because they cannot care for the animal. A lot of baby elephants are bought there gave been seperately from there mothers :( it was quite sad hearing it all but I was head all the elephants were now having a better life :) he answered the question about the chains ..... In the wild elephants form heards together and they stay in these heards, unfortunately all of these elephants have been so cruely treated apt hey cannot form heards together, there is a very strong possibility they will fight, they also gave been mistreated by humans so understandably we cannot expect them to trust us :( this is why they need the chains mistily for there in protection, however the whole day we were there they inky gad the chains on in the morning when we were feeding them, the rest if the day, they went on walks had a bath, went under done shade to cool down, so I was pleased and satisfied they were being properly cared for, they eve had there own elephant hospital for any injured animals.
The next part of the day saw us learning how to ride the elephant naturally! No Woden benches as this is cruelty, it was terrifying I am not going to lie! You climbed on the elephant using there leg and there ears to pull you up and then it stands.......OMG It was very high up there,I couldn't seem to feel like I wasn't going to fall, I wasn't very comfortable at all and getting downs as even scarier!its like you had nothing to hold onto. Luke did it like a pro! He was quite confident doing it :) .......

.......our elephant got Into the water, had a drink and cooled herself down, while we collected our bucket and brushes! I was super excited about this, she was so hot it was gunna be nice to cool her down and brush her, I climbed right In very excited not knowing there was quite a drop in the river! (Obviously to allow these huge creatures to properly have a bath!) and headed over to our girl :) she
Was already laying down and ready to be scrubbed ! I got stuck in, Luke took some pics, then he asked the keeper very kindly to take some of us :) and he took some lovely ones :) we enjoyed soo much bathing her and brushing her, she loved it and it allowed us to get so close to her and cuddle her :) I loved it, loved it loved it loved it :))))) I could definitely do this for a job :))))

I would recommend this place to anyone that wants to be close to elephants, this is not some tourist attraction, there are minimal people allowed to visit at once and the animals always come first.
Dreams have come true today and I feel truely blessed :))) the best part of asia so far :)))
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