Wow.....what a amazing 10 months we have just had :) we have experienced so much in that relatively short time and seen a lot of different culture & countrys. Luke has always wanted to travel and its also been my dream since i was little to travel so it has been a dream come true 10 months and i feel so privileged and happy to have created these wonderful memories with my best friend.... my boyfriend luke.
We have had a absolute blast together and seen many different countries and cultures. Lukes fave country was fiji followed by new zealand and then america. He absolutely loved fiji, it was calm, peaceful and the fijians were so friendly it was very him. My faves were new zealand, fiji & america were next on a par! Everyone knows that america is and always has been my fave country of all, but new zealand was just gorgeous. We both really loved asia but we didnt realise just quite how much until we left asia and moved on. When we look back now and when i eventually read through some of my earlier blogging i am sure we have moaned about asia but as we reflect on our time there we realised we loved it more then we first thought & we had a pretty good time there, sometimes it takes time to realise what you really did enjoy and what you hated!!
Unfortunately we didnt like australia and even when we reflect now we still hate it :( it doesnt make us as angry now but we do feel a bit bitter about it, however it was our choice to be there that long, we really thought we would enjoy it but it turned out to be everything we hated :( others parts of oz may be different and we certainly enjoyed sydney and new south wales but in general it is not somewhere we would really go back to.
We learnt some very valuable lessons travelling some useful lessons other lessons we learnt the hard way. It took a lot of planning for this trip, the best part of 18 months and a lot of saving and although we were very very organised there were still things we missed out, mistakes were made and there was also still a lot of things we had to sort out and book whilst we were travelling, a lot of the time this proved difficult as wifi was either very expensive or crap! We often wondered how other travellers coped with the amount of things you had to organise for travellng in advance! However it didnt take us long to realised most other travellers didnt organise bugger all and just drifted from place to place! It really mythed us ! We just couldnt do that! I suppose everyone is different we like to know where we are going next and where we are staying!
Living out of a bag for 10 months was undoubtedly one of the more difficult things we had to cope with, and it was one thing we didnt even think about before we left!! Never underestimate how stressful it is living out of a bag for a long amount of time!!
When i read through my blog at some point i am probably going to think "god i moaned alot!!" But the fact is travelling for a long amount of time, making sure we always have somewhere to Stay, budgeting for different countrys and trying to do as much as you can on a small budget is bloody hard work and very tiring! Yes we were so lucky to do what we have done and i feel bloody proud we did it, but would we do it!!
Travelling has made us appreciate all the lovely things we have at home and all the lovely people we have supporting us and encouraging us, without all the constant love and support of our fam and friends this journey could have been very different so we couldnt thank them all enough :)
We want to explore more of the world but would never leave again for that amount of time, it was a bloody good experience and we loved it but i am a home girl at heart, luke couldnt really care and would leave again with no problems! But if we ever did do a smaller travelling trip we would save a lot more money and do things how we luxuary!! Travelling certainly is a experience you will never forget and pretty much a once in a lifetime oppourtunity and despite our moans and groans at certain points we really enjoyed it.
So are we sad its all over?....yes we are, but we also feel slightly relieved! We are excited to get back to normality and work actually!! We both really enjoy our work and cannot wait to get back and start saving for the next chapter in our lives :)

Before and after our travels !!!!